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Thanet's Newest Airbnb Receives Rave Reviews

As holidaymakers flock to Thanet like flies to...a beautiful part of the country with spectacular vistas, the need for accommodation has become ever more prominent. Margate based artist Stacey Lemming, famous for her seminal work “My Unflushed Toilet”, has entered the holiday letting industry to help cater for eager tourists.

Her latest venture is a departure from her faecalist art movement as she explains:

“Having grown bored of inserting vegetables into small furry animals in the pursuit of art, I decided it’s time to give something back. It all came to me one day whilst I was in a coffee shop sipping a fair trade gluten free cappuccino sprinkled with cocoa free chocolate when I saw a hobo in a doorway. Now being a tax exile in the past and not wanting my tax euros to house the unemployed, I thought why not give them a holiday instead.

"With that in mind, late one night I grabbed a few mattresses and dumped...ahem, carefully positioned them in the streets around Thanet then whacked an advert on airbnb. Admittedly the €2,000 a night off season isn’t for everybody but I’m confident the attention to detail, the location and the inspiration behind this will make it a success. Now if you’ll excuse me, having heard one of my peers married a rock (it’s true, google it), I’m off to buy a giant wedding ring as I’ve decided to marry The White Cliffs of Dover...they’re sooooo handsome.”

As part of our soft hitting unfactual journalism at The Thanetian, we spoke to guests and local residents to get their views on Stacey’s latest offering. Titus Swank from West London spent a weekend:

“Oh my darling, it was just delicious. I absolutely adore what she’s done with the place. Not only do you have something conceptually stunning, you can soak up the oomska of Thanet whilst reclining in the boudoir. A passing canine that micturated on me whilst dozing just finished off the whole experience. It gets five fabulous stars from me.”

Neighbour to one of the rentals, Eddie Everyman, wasn’t so impressed:

"Which git dumped that there?"

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