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Discarded Crisp Packet Sparks Riots in Thanet
There were scenes of carnage today in Thanet as a discarded crisp packet on the beach sparked a riot in Broadstairs and spread over to...

Tasting Notes For Crisps Sparks Fears of The Apocalypse
The middle classes of England were sent into a panic today when "tasting notes", which are usually reserved for wine, were spotted on a...

Royal Wedding Fartorium Built In Thanet
Thanet, famed for its picture postcard beaches in the many natural bays that adorn the isle is to get a new feather in its cap as a local...

Seagull Boat Tours To Hold AGM In Thanet
Amidst rumours of widespread discrimination in the leisure boating company, Seagull Boat Tours Thanet (SBTT) is to hold its Annual...

Council Cutback On Double Yellow Lines
As part of a Thanet Council money saving exercise, it has been announced that they are to cut back on double yellow lines leaving...

Weasel From The West Set To Bring Further Weather Chaos To Thanet
Having survived the Beast from the East with some residents still wearing shorts, Thanet is set to be blasted by the Weasel from the West...

Thanet Man In Intensive Care After Valentines Day Fish And Chips Faux Pas
A Thanet man is currently undergoing treatment in Margate’s QEQM after an altercation with his wife this week. Romeo Montague was rushed...

Ark Of The Covenant Discovered In Excavation Of Margate Caves
Archaeologists were raising their trowels in excitement today after a major find on the Margate Caves archaeological dig. Along with the...

Rare Bird Sighting Starts Ornithologists Twitching In Thanet
There was excitement amongst the bird loving community this week when a rare bird was spotted in Thanet. The Einkaufswagen as it is...

Beachfront Dog Standoff Enters Fourth Day
A tense stand-off entered its fourth day today as two dogs continue to stare each other down on a popular Thanet beach. It all began when...
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